
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form without by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the author, Frank Chirico.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Backward Chrisitan Soldiers

God forgive us. Please pray for the church in America.

Sung to the tune of "Onward Christian Soldiers".

Backward Christian soldiers, fleeing from the fight,
With the cross of Jesus nearly out of sight.
Christ, our rightful master stands against the foe,
But forward unto battle we are loathe to go.

Like a mighty tortoise moves the Church of God,
Brothers we are treading where we’ve always trod.
We are much divided many bodies we,
Having many doctrines not much charity.

Crowns and thorns may perish kingdoms rise and wane,
But the Church of Jesus hidden does remain.
Gates of hell should never ‘gainst the Church prevail,
We have Christ’s own promise but we think that it will fail.

Sit here then ye people join our useless throng,
Blend with ours your voices in a feeble song.
Blessings, ease, and comfort, ask from Christ the King,
With our modern gospel, we don’t do a thing.


Thursday, September 17, 2009

Conquering Fear - What Fear Really Does....

Just to reiterate…these blogs about conquering fear can be utilized in all areas of ministry and not just evangelism. There is anxiety in dishing out food to the homeless, needing to councel couples who may be talking about divorce, or even speaking in front of the congregation for the first time. There is fear and anxiety in all types of ministry. Even worrying about giving more can stress us out. But for the purpose of why this blog was written, evangelism is what we will talk about. Just keep in mind not limited to evangelism.

Why Does Satan Use Fear?
In a war, it’s important to know your enemy. Who is our enemy in this case…it’s Satan, and his angels. It’s not the people we meet on the street and witness to. It’s not even the person who is yelling at us when we are on the ladder open-air-preaching. These people are victims of the devil. But when we are taking people from Satan’s team to our team, he’s not happy. Since Jesus died on the cross, and rose again, Satan has no more power over death. The only thing he can do is to keep people from coming to the Lord in repentance and faith. So the way Satan can do this is (1) after a person has heard the Word, to take it out of their hearts (Matthew 13:3-4, 18-19), and (2) to keep them from hearing it at all (Romans 10:14-17). For the lack of time and space we will only concentrate on the latter…hindering Christians from sharing their faith.

How Does Satan Use Fear?
Satan is not going to use all his power and make this elaborate spectacle to get you to not share your faith. He’s not going to kill your whole family, send demons into your sister, burn your house to the ground, and put a lot of effort into this. He just wants to hinder your walk the easiest way possible. Frankly…if I saw a demon possessed person…it probably would strengthen my faith. Fear is probably the easiest way to get a person not to witness. Since fear is a tool of the enemy…what does fear do really? Well, let’s take a look at a common fear most of us have…the fear of man.
Proverbs 29:25The fear of man brings a snare, but he who trusts in the Lord will be exalted.
Another version might say: “The fear of man brings a snare, but whoever trusts in the Lord shall be safe”.

What does the fear of man look like? It could be the fear of losing favor or friendship with men. Fear of their reviling or persecution. Fear of what people think of you.
Back in biblical times, a snare would be a trap to catch unsuspecting animals for food and can be one of two things. One, a noose of some sort would be hidden by leaves or sand and blended into the surrounding ground so that animals won’t be able to see. When the animal’s foot gets caught, the noose tightens up and the animal cannot get away, and is stuck in one spot. It tries to break free and tires out over time. Not only that, but they are used to keep them in one spot. That’s the key here. Another way can be a hook in the nose or jaw as in fishing. The hook is hidden by a tasty worm, the fish see it, and swallow it not knowing they caught a hook. Then the fisherman reels in the fish and has complete control over the fish and pulls it where he wants it to go where. The fish on the other hand has no control. It tiers out from the fighting and is brought to surface, right to frying pan and then to the dinner table.

So think about us as Christians trying to share our faith. An unsuspecting Christian wants to witness and share his faith. He thinks it’s safe, and has the desire. Not thinking of the spiritual forces surrounding him, he goes in and makes his move. Anxiety grips his heart, and he starts to sweat. The “what ifs” run through his mind and reminders of what happened the last time he tried to give away the gospel. “What if I get made fun of?” “What if I can’t think of what to say?” “What if they get mad at me?” His heart races faster until he says “I can’t do this” and he quits trying. The person walks away, and the opportunity is lost. The snare in this situation was the fear. It kept you from moving forward, and kept you in one spot. Where is that? Its right where Satan wants you and you are tired out from the stress of breaking free. Like a hook in your jaw he just made you go where he wanted and you’re tired out.

When I did open-air-preaching for the first time I was scared to death. I was never gripped with fear like that before. I knew that God wanted me to do it, I just didn’t think it was then. I had the perfect opportunity and I couldn’t back out. It was either now or never in my mind.
Now you may be thinking, “yeah, but how do you know this is Satan at work. I don’t really believe he has any power over what I do.” Well, think on this.

2 Timothy 2:24-26 – (24) "And a servant of the Lord must not quarrel but be gentle to all, able to teach, patient, (25) in humility correcting those who are in opposition, if God perhaps will grant them repentance, so that they may come to know the truth, (26) and that they may come to their senses and escape the snare of the devil, having been taken captive by him to do his will."

Notice what is says in verse 26. Escape the snare of the devil, having been taken captive by him to do his will."

Like a hook in your jaw he tells you where to go, and what to do. Now you may not like what I’m about to say…but I’ll say it anyway…and this is what got me. Look in verse 25. Who is Paul talking about…“Those who are in opposition”? Who is this? It’s unbelievers who are in opposition to God’s will. So what am I saying? I’m saying is that when we succumb to fear, we are being led by Satan and acting as though we are unredeemed…as though we are an unbeliever in opposition to God.

I want you to stop and think about this before you go any further. Meditate biblically on that for a little bit and let it sink in. We will never be free from the feelings of anxiety or fear, but we can overcome those to do what God has called us to do.

Next we will talk about how to break free from the snare around our ankles and the hook in our jaw.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Conquering Fear Introduction...What Is Fear?

A couple of months ago I was asked by my pastor to compile a seminar to teach people how to share their faith. In working with that…I thought it would be beneficial to you to “test drive” some areas I want to cover, and beneficial for me so I can get some feedback from my followers and other bloggers who suffer (as I do) in this area. All I ask is that you be honest with your comments, and don’t worry about hurting my feelings. Believe me I can take it. But also I should say that I may have to defend my “opinion” and may comment back. Just remember to do it in love and respect, as I will adhere to the same standards. So as you give me your feedback these blogs may change as I edit them, and therefore your comments “may “disappear. So, with that being said…let’s get to it.

What Is Fear?

When you ask why people don’t share their faith…it’s almost a given that they will say they are afraid to. Frankly, it’s probably the #1 reason, if not, within the top three. In order to conquer fear, we first need to examine what fear is, and where it comes from. According to Webster’s Dictionary, fear is…

  1. A painful emotion or passion excited by an expectation of evil, or the apprehension of impending danger. Fear expresses less apprehension than dread, and dread less than terror and fright. The force of this passion, beginning with the most moderate degree, may be thus expressed, fear, dread, terror, fright. Fear is accompanied with a desire to avoid or ward off the expected evil.
  2. Fear is an uneasiness of mind, upon the thought of future evil likely to befall us.
  3. Anxiety, solicitude.
  4. Reverence, due respect, and venerate.

For the basis of this blog, we are going to focus on the first and second. As for the third, I can sum it all up by this…

Proverbs 1:7 – The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction.
Proverbs 9:10 – The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding.

Fear of the Lord is a good thing. If you are a Christian, you should already fear the Lord. It is a reverential, respecting fear. The kind of fear you would have with relation to electricity. Electricity is a good thing and we use it. We just wouldn’t stand in a puddle holding two 240Vac lines touching them to our tongue. Just hearing the buzz, standing under 500KV power lines is enough to make us awe with due respect. Just how much more should we stand in awe of God.
But in this lesson we are more concerned about the fear that goes along with being ashamed of Christ. The definition from Websters Dictionary of ashamed is:

  1. Affected by shame; abashed or confused by guilt or a conviction of some criminal action or indecorous conduct, or by the exposure of some gross errors or misconduct, which the person is conscious must be wrong, and which tends to impair his honor or reputation. It is followed by of.
  2. Confused by a consciousness of guilt or of inferiority; by the mortification of pride; by failure or disappointment.

Shame would be:

  1. A painful sensation excited by a consciousness of guilt, or of having done something which injures reputation; or by of that which nature or modesty prompts us to conceal. Shame is particularly excited by the disclosure of actions which, in the view of men, are mean and degrading. Hence it is often or always manifested by a downcast look or by blushes, called confusion of face.
  2. The cause or reason of shame; that which brings reproach, and degrades a person in the estimation of others. Thus an idol is called a shame.
  3. Reproach; ignominy; derision; contempt.
  4. The parts which modesty requires to be covered.
  5. Dishonor; disgrace.

Notice what the difference is between fear and shame. It’s embarrassment. Living in this country there is really nothing to fear. The laws are on our side (as of this writing). We are not being hunted and thrown into prisons as Christians are in other countries (Iraq). On a large scale, people are not losing their jobs, homes, and businesses because they are a Christian (India). There are no soldiers in the “State Run Churches” with cameras taking your picture and your name so that if you apply for a government job you will be denied because you are a follower of Jesus Christ (China). But we do in this country feel the fear of “what will my friends think if they find out I’m born again?” Or we think, “I can’t witness to my boss…my review is coming up and I’m due for a raise or promotion. I don’t want him to think I’m one of those people.” We do not fear for our lives, but our livelihood. We care more about what people will think of us, and if our selfish pride gets damaged. That in my opinion is gross and disgusting. How can we who are sinners be ashamed of Him who knew no sin? How much more should He be ashamed of us? So in this fear and being ashamed will be talked about because that’s what we fear here in America.

Where Fear Comes From

Being that fear is an emotion…we will never be entirely free from it. But where does this fear of impending danger or anxiety come from. I believe that we are born with only two fears that all newborns and infants have in common...the fear of falling, and the fear of loud noises. So all other fears we have are acquired, either by learning, experience, or belief. This is the heart of the issue right here.
In sharing our faith we have this misconception that fear comes from Satan. Is that true? If fear is an emotion, and comes from within, does he really cause fear? No. What Satan may do is give us situations or thoughts in our minds that would trigger emotions of fear. This is important in determining the solution to the problem and conquering fear.

Why Do We Fear?

Have you ever heard the term “ignorance is bliss”? There is some truth to that isn’t there. Don’t try this at home, but think about it in your mind. Give a child who’s learned to crawl or first learning to walk a steak knife. Would there be any fear in that child at all...probably not. Why…because the child has no idea what it is he or she is holding, and what can happen to them from holding it. What the child may do is take that knife and curiously stick it in several places (in the mouth, wall outlet, a couch, the family cat, etc…). Now what happens? The child takes the knife, looks at it. It’s shiny. He or she walks over to an outlet and sticks it in the outlet. Electricity passes through the knife to the child’s arm, and the vibration of current sends the child screaming. The child goes from ignorance to experience in a matter of seconds. He or she will think twice about touching the knife, or even going near a wall outlet? Not for a long time anyway.

As we get older anyway we start to have thoughts of our own. Our mind and the devil play tricks on us. By this point we have had so many bad experiences that we automatically think that whatever we do will turn out bad. This goes along with witnessing and sharing your faith…the crux of the issue at hand. Remember when you were first a believer…a newborn into Christ’s family? What was that like? Pretty exciting wasn’t it? Like a first-time pregnant woman, you had this new life inside of you and you just wanted to tell everyone right? You wanted everyone to know the joy you had, and to experience that for themselves. But then you quickly realized that a lot of people didn’t share the same feelings as you did. Maybe you were made fun of or ridiculed for believing Jesus your “imaginary friend”. Maybe some of you tried to witness for the first time and got tongue tied and couldn’t answer any hard questions because let’s face it…you just got saved yesterday and this is all new to you. Or maybe it caused tension in relationships that were strong before you knew Jesus and now had to “choose” between this new found friend and Lord, and your old pal. It could be quite discouraging, and the next person you witness to, your heart starts to pound, you start sweating, and then panic sets in.

I remember when I just got saved, and living in Iowa I had a chance to go back home to NJ through my work. I had to go through some training at the home office and decided to take some extra time off, and extra tracts and share the best Person that ever happened to me to my friends and family. I was bold let me tell you. It was zeal without knowledge that’s for sure. But I was bold enough until I started receiving some backlash. One night, one of my best friends and his wife sat me down like a scolded child to “talk some sense into me”. The more I resisted and trying to get out to my car and get my Bible so that I could show him what I wanted to say…the angrier he got. She kept laughing like it was some kind of joke (and I was the punch line). I also tried to talk to my cousin, and even my two sisters. My younger sister saying, “You’re not going to do this to Mom and Dad are you?” just made me sink in my seat. The older sister laughing at me didn’t help. But she passed away July 6, 2007, and guarantee she’s not laughing now (no matter where she is at this point).

When Do You Fear?

This goes along with “why” somewhat. Especially in witnessing, when do we get anxious and nervous? It’s when we are going to open our mouths and speak for Christ. We never seem to get nervous when we are singing songs to God, or reading our Bibles, or studying the Word. Even Christian service like feeding the poor, cleaning the church, or mowing the lawn we don’t feel a bit nervous. For even Jesus, when he began His Galilean ministry that the first time He spoke out and preached people wanted to kill Him (Luke 4:16-30). Let’s face it, the only reason we are persecuted is that Jesus is not present in the flesh or they would crucify Him all over again, so they persecute us instead.

So, Now What?

Whether we are fearful or being ashamed there is hope. If there was hope for those in the Bible who felt both, there is hope for us. So now that we tackled the “who, what, where, when, and why” of fear…how then do we conquer it. Let’s face it, we all fear something at sometime. For the remaining blogs, I want to concentrate on the fear that comes from sharing your faith. It’s a false fear. You can use this acronym to describe it.


Especially in the United States, we don’t hear about angry mobs killing Christians leaving pools of blood on the sidewalks were their heads were lopped off their bodies. Have people in the United States been martyred for their faith? You bet. Rachel Scott, and Cassie Bernall of Columbine High School would be two. We still as of today have religious freedoms this country was founded on. Our freedoms are ever changing, and soon one day will disappear. Christians all over this country have been persecuted for sharing (and even just believing) their faith. For some examples, I urge you to look at The time to act and use the freedoms while we still have them is now. Fear will only get in the way.

It’s not the absence of fear that we strive for but the conquering of it. For the rest of the upcoming blogs, I will tackle the issues and show you that you have not to fear about anything. This in turn will be a lesson for me as well, as I do suffer from the same. So “buck up” little camper…we are all in this together.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Revelation 2:18-29 Unfolding?

Wow...this gives a whole new meaning to Revelation 2:18-29 of the church of Thyatira...the corrupt Church. Listen as the "Jezebel" Katherine Jefferts Schori says that Jesus is not the only way to God. Blasphemous. Schori is the first woman primate in the worldwide Anglican Communion and the 26th Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church. Basically she is the head of the United States Episcopal Church. I pray she repents and turns from her idolatry. Come Lord Jesus!!!

Friday, May 29, 2009

The First Step Is A Doozy - Open Air Preaching For First Time

It was May 23, 2009. The Farmers Market downtown Des Moines, day weekend. One of the busiest weekends of the market. This place was packed to the gills. I was nervous already to be down there. I don't do well in crowds...especially here at the market. But, I was determined to go. I have got to conquer this fear, and prayed the Lord would guide me. Paul was on his way to meet me down there and we were planning on doing some one-on-one witnessing and gave me a call. He asked me how busy it was, and I told him it was the busiest I have ever seen it. So he replied..."good, I'll bring my ladder. I'm almost there so look for a spot where we can do open-air and see you soon."

Well at that moment panic set in. You know the kind when you can't breathe, your heart starts racing, you loose color in your face and the only thing you want to do is find the nearest trashcan to throw up in. I prayed and then texted many people to pray, and then called my pastor who was at the men's prayer meeting. Looking for a spot was hard at the market. The place is lined with booths, and at every corner was full of music. Walking around I found an open area you can park a I know the Lord wanted us to do it. At that moment, Paul arrived.

Paul went up first while I passed out tracts not trying to think about going up next, and people were not taking my tracts. It was really disheartening...and it started to get to me. When Paul got done and said "my friend Frank has something to say", I knew I couldn't back out. It was time for me to do the thing God has been trying to get me to do for years.

The first step on that ladder was the longest step I ever taken. I really never prepared for what I would say, and fumbled for my Gideon New Testament trying to get to the Gospel of John and praying as I'm looking. Tony got there just before I went, and I was comforted that he could be there. My hands started to lock up from fear, I lost color, and couldn't feel my nose. The same thing happened to me when I went parasailing for the first time. I kept thinking "Lord don't let me pass out." Looking around and praying for the words, I opened my mouth and started to speak.

I don't know what I really said...good thing for the video. When I got off the ladder something amazing happened. It was totally the opposite feeling I thought I would have. I thought I would be so on-fire and full of energy, but I was the most humbling experiece I ever had. I had absolutely no energy. I felt like I just got beaten by a baseball bat. It's an experience that everyone who shares their faith should experience. If I felt like that, then why should I want you to do it? It kept me in the exact place I needed to be...dependant on the Holy Spirit, and the sufficiancy of Jesus Christ. There is no way I could have done it on my own. Even though I lost color, couldn't feel my nose, and my hands locked up...I still was able to get the words out. And that's all that really mattered.

So, I did it...but guess what? I have to keep on doing it. It's not just a matter of doing it once, but keep on keeping on. Whenever the Lord gives you the opportunity. The next weekend we all went there the same spot I experienced the empowering of the Holy Spirit. This time it was a little easier and a little less fearful. It provoked more people to come and see if we would preach again. People from my church came out to witness it. It's comforting. People stopped to talk with us, and to hear what we have to say. But Paul brought up a good point. "When you open-air preach, you are leading thousands of people to Christ. It's up to them if they want to receive the offer or not". That is what drives us. Our desire to glorify and worship God in reaching out to those who don't know Christ...and to grab those who are headed for eternal suffering in a lake of fire with the net of the gospel.

I am currently working on an upcoming blog post on how my friends and I conquer fear biblically. It's not the absence of fear that we pray for, but the conquering of it. All of us have fear at some point. Realizing where it comes from is the first step.

Right now we are living in grace within "Amerika", and say that very loosely. But our rights are soon vanishing away. Just that week in California a pastor and his wife were holding a bible study in their home and was ordered to stop or face strict fines by San Diego County officials. But we need to grab hold of our rights and use them while we still have them. So as Jesus said in Mark 16:15 - "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation". (NASB)

Monday, May 4, 2009

Hold Fast!

What does it mean to hold fast?

According to Strongs Concordence, it means to hold literally or figuratively; direct or remote; such as a posession, ability, contiguity, relation or condition. It comes in a variety of tenses and moods, which depends on the context of the given verse. As I was meditating on God's Word of the verses that pertain to hold fast, I thought of only two types of objects they talk about. Before I get to that, come with me and think on these passages to see if you can guess.

Job 27:6 - My righteousness I hold fast and will not let go; My heart shall not reproach me so long as I live.

Prov 4:13 - Take fast hold of instruction, let her not go; keep her; for she is thy life.

1 Thess 5:21 - Prove (test) all things; hold fast that which is good.

2 Thess 2:15 -
Therefore, brethren, stand fast, and hold the traditions which ye have been taught, whether by word, or our epistle.

2 Tim 1:13 - Hold fast the form of sound words, which thou hast eard of me, in faith and love which is in Christ Jesus.

Heb 3:6 - But Christ as a son over his own house; whose house are we, if we hold fast the confidence and the rejoicing of the hope firm unto the end.

Heb 4:14 -
Seeing then that we have a great high priest, that is passed into the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast our profession.

Heb 10:23 -
Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering; (for he is faithful that promised;)

Rev 2:25 - But that which ye have already hold fast till I come.

Rev 3:3 - Remember therefore how thou hast received and heard, and hold fast, and repent. If therefore thou shalt not watch, I will come on thee as a thief, and thou shalt not know what hour I will come upon thee.

Rev 3:11 -
Behold. I come quickly: hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown.
So, what are the two types of things you hold fast to (or grasp)? Things that are firm or solid, and things that are precious in the eyes of the person holding it. Think about some of the things mentioned.
  • Righteousness.
  • Instruction.
  • That which is good.
  • Sound words.
  • Profession (of faith).
  • Salvation.

Think about it. When people go moutain climbing, what do they hold onto? The mountain. The mountain doesn't move. Now what if they grab onto a branch, or weed growing on the side? They may fall because it's not a firm foundation.

Just as God's Word, righteousness, and our salvation are firm. We don't move moves us. We hold onto it tightly, so that we are always strengthened by them. But not only hearing the Word of God is enough...but hearing and doing what God's Word says is likened to a house build on the firm solid rock (Matthew 7:21-23).

Before I was a Christian, I wanted to make my engagement to my wife very special. It was so memorable I can still remember it to this day. With the ring in my hand, we went to an Alice Cooper concert at Six Flags Great Adventure in New Jersey. We got there early and were 10 rows center from the stage. It was a great position...even thought there were no seats. The bad thing is that we were almost on top of the mosh pit. Not good when you are carying a $2,000 diamond ring. So what did I do? Instead of puting it in my pocket for fear of loosing it, I grasped onto it so tight I had the indentions (and the bloody marks) of the ring cut into my hand. Then, I knelt down during the guitar solo of "Eighteen", and asked her to marry me and gave it to her. I then put it on her, and she was looking at it throughout the rest of the night, and would not let it go because it was precious to her as well.

God's Word, righteousness, and salvation are precious to us. A Christian can't live without them. God's Word is likened to milk for newborn babes (1 Peter 2:2) and Jesus said that men shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God (Mat 4:4). Not only that, but the kingdom of heaven is like a treasure hidden in a field, and a pearl of great price, which a man found and hid, and sold everything he had to buy it and claim the treasure (Matthew 13:44-45).

But there is an inverse of this meaning to the wicked.

Jeremiah 8:5 - Why then is this people of Jerusalem slidden back by a perpetual backsliding? They hold fast deceit, they refuse to return.

Backsliders love their sin, and their wicked deeds more than God. They too look at it as precious to them. Read Jeremiah 8:4-12 and look at the heart of the people who turn from God to serve themselves.

May it not be so for us Christians who love God more than our very lives. May we always look to God and His Word as a firm foundation, precious and worth more than gold.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


This is no joke, and I am not laughing. I found this site and with some probing I knew something was wrong with it. I am thankful for the Holy Spirit in giving me discernment over it, and thought I should warn the flock of Jesus Christ with this abomination on the internet. This site is not only at, but also and

So why do I believe that this site is deceptive? When you dive into this site called "Study Christianity" by "The Foundation of Christian Studies", you think you are learning Christian teaching, but you are not. You are actually learning Mormon doctrine from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (LDS) teachings.
At the bottom of this site is the following disclaimer:

"The Foundation for Christian Studies (FCS) is not an official organization or affiliate of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and this web site is not an official web site of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The views expressed here are the responsibility of the Foundation for Christian Studies. The official web site of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints can be found at"

Though it may be true that this site is not an "official" site of the LDS church, it is deceptive in making people believe that Mormons are Christians too, without regarding doctrine.

Within the can see that things do not add up:
  • Quotes from Gordon B. Hinkley, former Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (LDS) prophet.

  • Verses from the Bible are misquoted and are actually from other sources like the Book of Mormon.

  • Teachings on the priesthood, temples, baptism for the dead, premortal existance, among many others that Christianity does not teach as a part of it's fundamental doctrines.

  • By clicking on the "Scriptures" link, you are taken to a page where you can access site and you will find not only the New and Old Testaments of the Bible, but The Book of Mormon, Doctrines and Covenants, Pearl of Great Price among other works that are MORMON and NOT Christian. These are ONLY official LDS books from there so-called "prophet" Joseph Smith.

  • And many, many more.

Now I know that many of you do not know what I am talking about, without really studying the Bible, and knowing the difference yourself. If you would like to see a detailed list of differences between Mormonism and Christianity, please take a look the homepage of my friend and brother in Christ, Rob Sivulka's website at If you have more questions regarding this, please feel free to e-mail me at

This is VERY serious. Your eternal salvation could be hanging in the ballance.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Iron Sharpens Iron

A dear friend of mine from California and fellow soldier in the Lord wrote this blog on this one verse...

Proverbs 27:17 "As iron sharpens iron, So a man sharpens the countenance of his friend."

It really made me think and so I meditated on it for a while. He wrote a great blog, and this one is not a comment or critique of his. It just really made me think. The following is what the Holy Spirit revealed to my heart.

Back in ancient days, a black smith would work iron ore into useful tools. He would take raw iron, and heat it up in a furnace to mold it into a spongy mass of iron. The furnace was not strong enough to melt the iron, just enough to make it plyable, even when using bellows (an instrument that forced air into the furnace to increase the heat).

Once the iron was removed from the furnace, it had to be pounded into wrought iron and have the slag and air bubbles beat out of it with a hammer. Then after the piece was beaten into a shape against an anvil by the smith, it was sharpened into a useful tool as an axe or knife.


When we as men come from the ground as a lump of useless blob, we are then heated up by the fire of the Holy Spirit, and then molded and shaped by the maker or craftsman for His use. The combined heat and beatings work out the slag (sin) out of our lives, and then heated up by the fire of the Holy Spirit and beaten against the anvil (Word of God) until we are molded into the piece we are to be made (axe or knife). The anvil is never effected by the beatings and always retains it's shape. Thus the Word of God is not effected by us at all. Same with the fire of the Holy Spirit. It is not effected by the piece being molded. The only thing being effected is the piece of iron being molded.

God molds us through the fire of the Holy Spirit and the beatings of the Maker against the Word of God. Then we are made in the image of the tool we are supposed to be. An axe or letter opener. An axe is designed to cut trees down so it is blunt and heavy. A letter opener is used to make precision cuts to open up mail, so it will be small and light. You wouldn't use an axe to open up mail, and thus you wouldn't use a letter opener to cut down trees. Each tool is made with a purpose in mind. They are going to look different, feel different, and weigh different. (Isaiah 64:8; Romans 9:21)

The next step is to then sharpen the piece to make it even more useful, and to help make it cut even better. They are sharpened together, or by a wetstone. Small pieces heat up and are blasted accross the room and removed, and then chiped away to give the tool a nice sharp edge.
So are we to be sharpened by one another, to help us be even more useful for the master. How much easier would it be for a sharp axe to cut a tree down. Much easier than a dull one. It takes less work when the tool is sharp. We need each other to sharpen our own usefullness, and help us sharpen our gifts to help us become the best tools for the Masters work. It's painful at times, and we feel like we've been made into sparks, and pieces of us ignite, and thrown accross the room. It hurts to be shapen, but it's profitable in the end. To help each other, and when we each do according to the gifts we are given, we work together in harmony with other tools to achieve a common goal.

But...axes and knives that became dull, unable to be sharpened again, or unable to be shaped were cast back into the fire and recast, to be combined with other pieces that became useless. So are we as tools of God, when we become useless are cast into the fires to be consumed. (Matthew 13:24-30; 36-43)

Thus, as iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend.

If I am wrong about this, please let me know. I'm quite confident...but human just the same.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

What God Cannot Do...

  • In Him also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestined according to the purpose of Him who works all things according to the counsel of His will. - Ephesians 1:11
  • Remember this, and show yourselves men; Recall to mind. O you transgressors. Remember the former things of old, For I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is none like Me, Declaring the end from the beginning, And from ancient times things that are not yet done, Saying, My counsel shall stand, And I will do all My pleasure, Calling a bird of prey from the east, The man who executes My counsel, from a far country. Indeed I have spoken it; I will also bring it to pass. I have purposed it; I will also do it. – Isaiah 46:8-11.

Do Evil (Lie) - in hope of eternal life which God, who cannot lie, promised before time began, - Titus 1:2

Be Tempted - Let no one say when he is tempted, “I am tempted by God”; for God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does He Himself tempt anyone. But each one is tempted when he is drawn away by his own desires and enticed. - James 1:13-14

Deny Himself - If we are faithless, He remains faithful; He cannot deny Himself. - 2 Timothy 2:13

Be Unjust

  • to demonstrate at the present time His righteousness, that He might be just and the justifier of the one who has faith in Jesus. - Romans 3:26
  • Deuteronomy 32:4; Job 4:17; Isaiah 45:21; Zep 3:5; John 5:30; Rev 15:3.

Contradict His Word

  • All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work. – 2 Timothy 3:16-17.
  • for prophecy never came by the will of man, but holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit. – 2 Peter 1:21

Make Mistakes – What He purposes, He does.

Forgive Sins without the blood sacrifice of Jesus Christ

  • And according to the law almost all things are purified with blood, and without shedding of blood there is no remission (of sin). – Hebrews 9:22
  • For the life of the flesh is in the blood, and I have given it to you upon the altar to make atonement for your souls; for it is the blood that makes atonement for your soul. – Leviticus 17:11
  • [Jesus said] For this is My blood of the new covenant, which is shed for many for the remission of sins. – Matthew 26:28
  • When Jesus was praying to the Father in the Garden of Gethsemane He said, “Oh my Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from Me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as You will. - Matthew 26:39 (Since the Father did not save Him, it was the Fathers will that Jesus would go to the cross. If there was any other way possible, the Father would have done it, and saved His only Son).
  • Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” - John 14:6
  • Nor is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved. - Acts 4:12
  • For there is one God and one Mediator between God and men, the Man Christ Jesus, who gave Himself a ransom for all to be testified in due time, - 1 Timothy 2:5-6
  • For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life. – John 3:16

Friday, February 6, 2009

No Difference Between Bailing Out Porn and Auto Industries???

This blog was a letter that I responded to someone who made a comment on this blog and thought there was no difference when it came to bailing out the porn industry and the auto industry. I thought it would be beneficial to enter it.

In response to your questions I can respond different ways. To just get this out of the way…theologically…porn, in and of itself is sin. It comes from the Greek word “pornea” which means fornication. Jesus said if you look with lust at someone you committed adultery in your heart (Matthew 5:28). Cars in and of itself is not sin. The purpose of a car is to get you from one place to another to carry you or your stuff faster than a horse.

Second…porn contributes to the moral decline of the world. Since pornography entered the world, the moral decline has never been so great then now. There has been an increase of rape, sexual violence, child molesting, abortion, and divorce each year. I have talked with men…fathers, who have actually lusted after their own daughters because of their addiction to pornography. But what do you see on TV, news, and video stores? I’m not just talking about porn in magazine or video either. What about HBO, Showtime, have dipped into pornography in shows like Real Sex, with each episode pushing the limits of the last. Every porn has someone’s daughter in it. Somewhere down the line there is a mother and father who raised the girl or boy. They went to school, played sports, and opened presents at birthday parties. Think the government is not influenced by the porn industry? Did you know that the legal age of consent in Hawaii is 14? Your daughter is 14…right? How would you feel the government saying it’s ok for a 50 year old man to have sex with your daughter…your little girl? It’s also demeaning to women…and gives the wrong idea of what love is to our youth in this country. Do you know any cars that have contributed to the moral decline of this country? I can’t think of any off the top of my head…but if you know of any…let me know.

Third…porn has contributed to the health decline of the world. Psychologically, porn stars and prostitutes have suffered post traumatic stress disorders, depression, impulse Control Disorders, substance abuse, bipolar disorders and the list goes on. Not only that, but they also have contracted Aids, Venereal Diseases of all kinds, and other sexually transmitted diseases. Other health issues like ruptures and torn internal muscles, cancer, not being able to produce children, sterility, impotence, and not to mention death…self inflicted or otherwise. I have not heard of cars inflicting psychological trauma, health issues, and people who can’t get it up regarding the making of cars, or using of cars within the normal use of them.

Fourth…porn is addictive. It’s visually stimulating, and has caused the breakups and divorce of many couples regarding it. Enough is not enough when it comes to porn. You are constantly pushing the threshold. Before I became a Christian I was addicted to porn. I would sit in front of the VCR / Internet for hours. At least 4 hours a day while my relationship with my fiancé suffered in the process. Not only that…to make matters worse…she became addicted to porn as well because of me and looking to act out fantasies of ours with other people. Is that a healthy relationship? No, it’s not in the least. It’s not what God intended marriage to be. How many years I lost with her I can never get back because of what porn has done to my life. Can a car be addictive? I don’t know. I’m sure it depends upon the person. But it’s not as widespread and devastating as porn. You can at least agree with me on that.

Fifth…the country will not have an economic collapse because there is no porn. You don’t need porn to get to work, raise a family, and help businesses survive. It’s not a necessity of life. Your car on the other hand is. You need it to get to work, cart your wife and kids around, get groceries, and take people to the hospital and to school. It’s a need…not a want. You can’t ride a bicycle in Iowa now when it’s -5 degrees. If you do you need your head examined. Yes we would have used cars…but for how long? If the auto industry collapses…so does the factories making the parts to fix the used cars. The auto parts industries would not be able to survive without having new cars to make.

Sixth…porn is not regulated. Yes, there are age restrictions to the making and buying of porn (thank heavens for that). But, the health aspects of it is not. It’s not mandated to be tested before making a movie. It’s certainly not regulated in strip clubs, and prostitution (which is illegal). The government does not receive any taxes from the making of porn (an official porn tax). To be honest I don’t see them doing that. The auto industry is regulated. With restrictions on emissions, gas consumption, safety standards, and others I’m sure not off the top of my head. The government does receive taxes from the car industry (luxury taxes), and licenses to drive and operate them. They need to be insured, and also registered.

When you buy porn…what are your feelings toward it? Do you want to tell everyone of your new purchase? Do you want to share in your experiences with using it, tell your mother about it? Not really huh. I’d be horrified to tell my mother my porn stories. When you buy a new car…how is your feelings toward it? You want to tell everyone about it…right? “Lets take a ride?” “Check it out.” Makes you feel good right? You bet. My first car I wanted to whole world to know…and I was proud of it too. Porn…not so proud. In fact…I’m quite embarrassed.

Now with all industries…porn or car…as the technology advances…these industries need to get with the times. Back in the day of Hustler Magazine, there was no internet, or home video to choose from. As the technology changes…those old technologies fade out. Now with high-speed internet a person doesn’t need to leave their house, or pay for it. Why look at stilled images and photographs when you can have sound and visuals right in the privacy (and speed) of your own home for free. It’s just a click away. The same goes with the newspaper industry (which also wants a bail out), while I can go on the internet and get the news for free. It’s an old technology…and I don’t agree with bailing out the newspaper (and other old technology) out. They need to come up with new solutions to the problem. Innovation is the key!

This is how I feel. I hope you read all this, and I know it’s a lot. I don’t know how else to say it, without speaking to you. Take care. Thanks for reading and I hope you and your family are very well.