For the blog series, why did I pick Roman Catholicism? Well, I used to be a Roman Catholic, and what better religion to start with than my previous one. There are a lot of religions out there, but I don’t know any one better than Roman Catholicism. I lived it. I was an Acolyte (Altar Boy) for 9 years, I wanted to be a Eucharistic Minister (which I was turned down), become a priest, and then ultimately become the first American Pope (to which was a long shot…but I could dream). Some childhood friends called me Father Frank, and when I was a boy I used to hold mass for my sisters stuffed animals. I loved being Catholic. I went on retreats, daytrips as an Alter Boy, got paid for serving weddings and funerals, it was great. But as I got older, I was found wanting. I was discontent, and really didn’t know much if not any of the bible. I started asking priests questions and I got multiple answers. In time, found that the Catholic Church couldn’t give me what I longed for…no matter how good the intentions were.
I am not here to bash Catholics. Not in any way. Now I must say I love Roman Catholics. They are some of the most devout, committed, spiritual people I know. In fact on the front line of fighting abortion…I have to say that Roman Catholics take the cake. This blog isn’t about so much against the individual in the pew. It’s against the system that leaves those in the pew guessing, wondering, and ultimately lost. I hope they read this, but it’s to show that their belief system falls way short. In the next few blogs I will uncover some of the things that I believed, in comparison to the bible, and also uncover some of the things that you may find shocking that you never knew about Roman Catholicism. But I ask that you please keep an open mind, and email me here.
If you have any questions, want to correct me, or just yell at me and call me nasty stuff. It’s cool. If you have a problem…I ask that you email me, and we can discuss it as adults privately.
My Sources
I wanted to things the right way, and not just write something from hearsay and then say it’s from the Catholic Church. The sources for Roman Catholicism I will be using is the the Official Roman Catholic Catechism, Vatican II, as my primary Catholic source. It is stamped with the official insignia of Pope John Paul II,
and is written by Joseph A. Ratzinger, who is Pope Benedict XVI, the current Pope today. A fine standard of Roman Catholic doctrine…wouldn’t you agree. If you do not have a copy of the Catechism, you can find this online from the official Vatican website.
Other sources may be used as I see fit as I will be dealing with historical evidences, and such, but will be sited so you can look at them for yourself.
The sources for protestant Christianity I will be using is the Authorized Holy Bible King James Version. It is regarded by all Christian churches and denominations as the primary source of faith and doctrine. Other sources will be added when needed, but primarily, these will be used most. If you don’t own a bible, you can find one online at either here or here.
I understand that many will be upset with me over this. The reality is you are not mad at me, you are mad at what the Roman Catholic Church has said in their own writings, and what the Holy Bible says. Have you ever wondered what makes different religions different? I agree with some things that the Catholic Church teaches. I believe that abortion is wrong, that a baby is human from conception, and that God is made up of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit (Trinity). But it’s in the differences that make us different. In the end…one has to win. As you will see…you cannot believe both.
Still not convinced? Answer to yourself these questions:
1. Do you own a bible? If you do, when was the last time you read it, and what did you read?
2. When was the last time you were taught the bible in a Catholic Church? Are you taught the bible every week? If you were…name the chapters and verses.
3. When you went to mass last week…what did you learn?
4. What is the point of standing, sitting, and kneeling in different parts of the mass?
5. Where do you find the word “Catholic” in the bible?
6. Where do you find the word “Purgatory” in the bible?
7. Are you born again?
I’m not here to ruffle feathers over this issue. I just want you to know the reasons why I became a Christian, and left Roman Catholicism. To answer some of the questions that I have had over the years, and that you would know some of what your religion believes. Isn’t it important to examine what your religion teaches and believes? I think so, and so should you.