
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form without by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the author, Frank Chirico.

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Why "Treat Others The Way You Would Want To Be Treated" Is Not Sound Advice.

Last weekend I had the blessing of attending  being at the Calvary Chapel Des Moines Men's Retreat this year at Hidden Acres Retreat Center located in Dayton, IA. It was a great time with the guys from my church. We took a look at some of the questions Jesus asked and also spent time in the Word, prayer, and playing games like volleyball and basketball. This year's focus was on how to build relationships between us brothers in the body of Christ, and that was my main reflection on this retreat.

The main thing that the Lord spoke to my heart was this...

Treat others the way you want to be treated is not always sound advice.

Why is this?  For three reasons. 

First, people may want to be treated differently than how I would want to be treated. Let's face it, when I am going through some negative emotional feeling like anger, being upset, or nervous, the last thing I want is to be with other people. I just plain want to be left alone in my thoughts in silence, and meditate on the situation. I don't want to talk to anyone or be with anybody, Now there is nothing wrong with that per-say, but other people may want someone by their side to comfort and console them. They may want people to come by and be with them. And because I would rather want to be left alone, that is not what others may want. The bad thing is that when people want me to come along side them when they really need me, I'm not there, and it may look like I don't care when in fact I am giving them what I would want in that situation. 

Second, I may need to be treated differently than how I think I need to be treated. Just because I would prefer to be left alone in certain situations doesn't mean that's what I need. My needs are way different than my wants. I may need someone to come beside me and comfort me or give me biblical sound advice. I may need people to pray for me when things are at their worst, put their arm around me and tell me its going to be alright. But what I don't need is to become a hermit away from everyone and sulk in my own thoughts. That's just what I want, and it's not healthy.

Lastly, I am just plain ignorant of the situation at hand. One question from the retreat was easy to answer. "What does Jesus think about you?" Knucklehead was the first word that popped in my head. But in all seriousness, I've never experienced the pain of losing a child, or a parent, getting divorced, or losing everything I own in a house fire. I've never experienced the joy of my wife giving birth, having my son get married or even grandchildren for that matter. Since I've never experienced any of these things, I tend not to empathize with others in those situations. But I have experienced the pain of losing a sibling, getting laid off from work, and trying to have kids and never will. I have felt the pain of having a spouse who rejected Jesus Christ only to experience the joy of having her come to know Him in a real "Paul salvation" kinda way. I have felt the joy of getting married, paying off college debt, and buying a home. I need to empathize with others in their joys and pains. I need to feel emotion when it comes to other people. I need to be there for others even though I don't know what they are going through. I don't do that and I hate myself for it. I know I've offended others when I really didn't mean to, and I really do want to change.

One of our elders at my church can be very emotional when it comes to other people. He can cry at the drop of a hat. I wish I could be like that. It takes alot for me to get excited, happy, or even cry. To be honest I can't remember the last time I cried, and I know that it probably bugs people. I know it bugs my wife. So if you have any suggestions please feel free to pass them along. 

Saturday, August 13, 2016

Joyful Inconvenience

We go through life being inconvenienced for many different reasons. Whether at the store when they don't have our favorite ice cream. We are inconvenienced when we are stuck in traffic trying to get home to our wives who have an amazing night planned. And, we are inconvenienced when we break down on the side of the road and are late for an important event and can't do anything about it. No matter what, when things go awry and not the way we planned, for the worse and not the better, we are not happy, and deserve better. Or do we?

For the past 3 weeks I have been in Georgia away from home training for my new job. Away from my wife, listening to lectures, watching films, taking tests, and working with people my personality is not compatible with to then come back to the hotel, grab a meal, and go to bed to wake up hours later and do it all over again. For 3 weeks. I was ready to come home. Guess what? Didn't happen. Got to the airport and my flight was delayed. Then delayed some more to the point where I missed my connecting flight. With no flights available, I am stuck in an Atlanta Ramada Plaza that looks like it hasn't been updated since it was built in the late 1970's. Not to mention that they gave me meal tickets to use at the hotel that hasn't had a working kitchen since Ronald Reagan was President of the United States. I'm not happy, or joyful, and yes, feeling put out. 

So where does the joy come in? It comes in Jesus Christ. That no matter what situation I am in, I can use it for Christ's glory.

People ask me often why I am so patient and that in really sticky situations I let things (for the most part) roll off my back like water on a duck. Not always the case trust me. My friends know me better. But for the average person I'm pretty patient. How did it happen? The Lord for one. Of course, but also there are some things I do to help me through a situation, like I'm having right now.


Next time you're having a crappy day, and things are just not going your way. No matter what you do, it's just not working out, do this. Take your right index and middle finger, put them together, and put them up to your neck and feel your heartbeat. Is it beating? Then you're doing pretty good. Seriously. When I get really messed up, depressed, sad, angry, put out, I just feel my heartbeat and say, "Yup, still beating. Praise the Lord. Doing good today." Now this may not work for everyone and I would never belittle any condition people may have like chronic pain, disease, cancer...etc...etc. I've met people who would be thankful their heartbeat wasn't there. But for most of us, the average person, that heartbeat is the only thing keeping you from sudden death. I mean think about it. You have a pump in your chest that never needs maintenance, lubrication, oil, repair, or primed and pumps at least if not over 100,800 times a day, every day, without stopping. How can you think about that for a few minutes and not praise God for what you have?

Look Up.

Many times when I've been down or anxious, I go outside on a nice clear night away from city lights, and look up at the stars and think to myself, "I am a very insignificant part of this entire universe that God created for His glory." Depressing? No. Because I am traveling 67,000 miles per hour on a rock that is spinning at 1,000 miles per hour, the sun that heats the earth enough to grow plants, lets us see, create solar energy, among hundreds of other thing but not too close that we burst into flames or far enough that we turn into Popsicles and freeze to death. Every morning I know the sun will rise and at night I know the sun will set, and there is nothing I can do about it. You know what? It's cool with me. I can't control what goes on in space, but God is in control. He's way better at it than I would be. Read Job 39-42 and prepare to be amazed at God's glory and His control on our lives. 

Look Out. 

Now when I say "look out" it's not a warning, but a comfort. Every once in a while I will put my face up against the bathroom mirror, close one eye, and stare at my eyeball. I'll study it, check out every line and detail. The colors, the shapes, size, and just say to myself, "wow, God created that, and that is just one small piece of me." Blows my mind every time. He took care to make that, among many other parts. Designed and engineered for His glory. I am His special creation. What is He going to do with me today?

God's Plan Usually Isn't My Own

Here is my point. I am a part of the entire creation. I am fearfully and wonderfully made, created in God's image for His glory. God is the potter, and I am the clay. Formed with a purpose and function with love. Since He created me, He can do whatever He wishes in my life. Do we really have free will? What if I made a pencil from scratch. Does my pencil have free will to write whatever it wants?  Do I own the pencil? Can I write anything I want with the pencil? What if I snapped the pencil in half and threw it away? Can I do that? Do I have that right, or does that make me a mean person? So if I am God's creation, made with a purpose and function, does that give me the right to do whatever I wanted? Nope. Does it give God the right to do whatever He wanted with me? Yup. 

So I think about this and wonder, "what if I am here in this Hotel for a reason other than missing my flight?" What if this was God's will I was here? Here's what happened to me today. For the past three weeks I've been reading a book my John Piper called, When I Don't Desire God, How to Fight For Joy. So I had it in my hands when I checked in and the guy who was working the counter saw the book and commented on it. I told him what the book was about and he took a picture of it and said he needed to read it. He's been a joyless Christian for months and has been praying for a revival in his heart feeling bad that he doesn't have a desire for God much lately. What if I was meant to talk with him and encourage him, and give him a Gideon New Testament to put a smile on his face (which I did). God has plans for us that we don't know. A man plans his ways, but God directs his steps (Proverbs 16:9). 

Better Than I Deserve

Years ago I had the privilege to know a man at church named Ken Hunt. I never really talked with him until one day he overheard me telling someone about a problem in my basement and he offered to help. After helping me with the basement we ate dinner my wife cooked and chatted about things to get to know each other. One thing about Ken is that when you asked him, "How you doing?" he always answered, "better than I deserve." One day I asked him about it and  was curious what he meant. He just answered something like, "No matter what we get in this life, it is better than what we deserve, and that's hell." That was a key moment to my thinking as a Christian, that no matter what I receive in this life, it will be far better than anything I deserve in the next. Thank God (literally) that He sent His Son to willfully pay my fine with His life blood on the cross so I can have that better life. This helps me have a thankful heart as much as I can. 

So, tonight I will be sleeping in my clothes with the light on, but thank God I have a roof over my head and a lock on my door. I'm not going to get much sleep, but thank the Lord He will allow me to get up another day and breathe His air. 

I have a heartbeat. Life is good, and no matter what, it's better than I deserve. 

Monday, July 4, 2016

Is Your Faith Real?

In my previous blog post, Feelings...Nothing More Than...Feelings, I expressed my concern regarding the feelings of the Mormon Missionaries that came to my door as a sign that the Book of Mormon is true. Feelings, though may seem true at the time, are not true all the time, nor a test for religious books of antiquity. Like I told them before, sometimes I feel like reading the bible, sometimes I don't. But that is not a test to prove the bible is true, or not true.

There is a threefold confirmation that we are children of God, or an assurance that we are saved. Paul talks about this confirmation in 1 Thessalonians 1:5, "For our gospel did not come to you in word only, but in power, and in the Holy Spirit, and in much assurance, as you know what kind of men we were among you for your sake." This threefold assurance of our salvation is found in the trustworthy word, confirming Holy Spirit, and the changed life.

Trustworthy Word

This is the heart of what I want to write about in the next blog post will be the trustworthiness of the Holy Bible and the trustworthiness of the Book of Mormon. Both claim to be God's word, and trustworthy books. It doesn't matter how I think I am doing, but what the bible says how I am doing. Objective truth is found in the object of the trustworthy word. Our assurance in the Bible is based on 1 John 5:9-13.

Confirming Holy Spirit

Second, there is an internal witness of the Holy Spirit that confirms that we are really children of God. Paul declares in Romans 8:16, "The Spirit Himself bears witness with out spirit that we are children of God." How do we know we have the Holy Spirit? We have His fruit. His fruit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control (Galatians 5:22-23). The Holy Spirit is the "IOU" of our faith in Christ. Paul stated in 2 Corinthians 1:21-22 and Ephesians 1:13-14 that the Holy Spirit is our guarantee of our inheritance until the end where we are face to face with Him.

Changed Life

Third, our changed life is a witness that we are Children of God. The proof that we have experienced the new birth is from our changed life. Good fruit only comes from good trees (Matthew 7:15-20). Probably the best known example of this is taken from the first chapter of 1 Thessalonians. This church, which is deemed the "exemplary church", was a model not only to us, but also to those around them and in all their known world  (1 Thessalonians 1:7-8). They had a changed life. From out of their faith they were followers of the Lord (vs 6), had teachable spiritual growth (vs 6), received the word in much affliction (vs 6), had joy from the Holy Spirit (vs 6), faith in God (vs 8), were active in evangelism (vs 8), bore fruits of repentance (vs 9), served God (vs 9), awaited with love the Lord's return (vs 10), and belief in the resurrection of Christ from the dead (vs 10).

Repentance is turning 180 degrees from sin and turning towards God to obey Him and His word. Yes it is true that God calls you just as you are, but the truth is He doesn't expect you to stay there. Let's put it this way, supposed your friend walked up to you and said, "I just got hit by a logging truck this morning." You look at him and there is not a scratch on him. How could that be? If you were hit by tons of steel and wood you would show signs of it. So I ask, what is bigger...a logging truck or God? If you were hit by God, you would know it...and so would everyone else.

I firmly believe that all three have to be there in order to have full assurance of God's salvation on our souls. If either of them are not found, there is no way a person could possibly be saved. Though the Mormons claim to have the Holy Spirit, and also their lives may seem godly, where they lack is the trustworthiness of the Book of Mormon. As you will see in my next post, the Book of Mormon fails as a book to be regarded as truth. This would be true also with someone who believes the bible, yet doesn't have the fortitude of a changed life. They still have no difference in their lives as a Christian as they did when they were not born again.

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Feelings....Nothing More Than...Feelings.

Two weeks ago I finished up my study in the Precept Upon Precept of Revelation Book 2. It was to say the least, the worst Precept International Bible Study I have ever done. So I needed a break for a little bit between books. I prayed for guidance and like always the Lord provides. Either a yes, no, or wait. This time, the Lord provided a "yes". Last week I had two Mormon Missionaries come to the door and wanted me to allow them to do a bible study with me. They gave me a pamphlet called, The Restoration, and I agreed to read it and looked forward to our meeting next week. I've been praying for wisdom because I didn't want to scare these guys away like the others, and really wanted time to ease them into the truth and hope they hear what the Lord wanted to say.

Well that meeting was tonight. They talked about what the Book of Mormon was, and how it was the most correct book on earth, the prophet Joseph Smith, and the story of how the Book of Mormon came to be. And I asked them one simple question, "How do you know it's true?" Seems simple enough of a question right? Well it opened up a huge can of worms called, "feelings". From that point on, they talked about their, "feelings" and how they prayed, asked god to confirm the Book of Mormon was true, and god gave them good "feelings". Both boys then proceeded to tell me how they feel god speaks to them and how they think he talks to them in a way that makes them feel good. And, if they "feel" good that is a good sign they are in the right direction, and if they "feel" bad, they are in the wrong direction. This went on for the remainder of the night.

But as Morris Albert's song, Feelings suggests...they are nothing more but - feelings. Assurance is based on the authority of God's word. When you meet God's conditions, as revealed in His word, you can be assured that you are a child of God. The Christian lives by faith (trust) in the trustworthiness of God Himself and His word. 
This train diagram illustrates the relationship between fact (God and His Word), Faith (our trust in God's Word), and feelings (the results of our experiences to God's Word). Fact is the engine that pulls everything else. God's word does not change, it's powered by itself. It runs by itself without the aid of the other cars or caboose. God's word is sustained all by itself and doesn't need anyone else to keep it going. Faith, is pulled by God's word. Though a person's faith may change, God's word does not. Our faith is pulled by the self-sustaining objective truth revealed in God's Word...Christ Jesus.  Feelings are the result of our faith based on fact. It is the fruit of what is produced. But feelings change, and are not objective truth, nor would I even consider them subjective truth. Feelings change and are different from person to person. Sometimes I feel like reading God's word. Sometimes I don't. Sometimes I feel like I'm a good Christian, and sometimes I feel like a complete pagan. The fact is...I am a Christian based on how God describes a Christian in the Bible.

You may be thinking though, "How do you know the Bible is true?" or "How do you know the Book of Mormon is true...or not true?" There are several tests we can give the engine of the train to see if it really is fact. Unfortunately we have to do that in the next blog post. Stay tuned for my next blog post on testing objective truth. 

Thursday, June 2, 2016

My Top 10 Books of All Time

Here is a short list of my top 10 Christian books so far. There is no rhyme or reason as to the order. They are all #1 in my book.

  1. An Infinite Journey: Growing Towards Christlikeness by Andrew M. Davis
  2. Spiritual Disciplines of the Christian Life: by Donald Whitney. 
  3. Finally Free: Fighting For Purity With the Power of Grace, by Heath Lambert
  4. Getting To No: How to Break a Stubborn Habit, by Erwin Lutzer
  5. Tactics: A Game Plan for Discussing Your Christian Convictions, by Gregory Koukl
  6. The Exemplary Husband: A Biblical Perspective. by Stuart Scott
  7. Anger: Handling a Powerful Emotion in a Healthy Way, by Gary Chapman
  8. 10 Dumb Things Smart Christians Believe. by Larry Osborne
  9. A Strong Delusion: Confronting the "Gay Christian" Movement. by Joe Dallas\
  10. The Gospel According to Jesus: What Does Jesus Mean When He Says "Follow Me"? by John MacArthur. 

Art And The Ability To Create

I love to read. I really do. If I could get a job reading and get paid for doing what I love, I would jump at the chance. I try to read at least 20 books a year. For some it's not even a challenge. For others, if they read 20 books in their lifetime would be a great achievement. I'm more of a non-fiction guy myself. I love books on doctrine, self-improvement, and biographies. Not so much fiction, which my left brain blows off as almost pointless because in my mind why should I spend time in book x of 20 reading about something that isn't real. Lets face it, I couldn't even get through the first chapter of Harry Potter, not because it was about witchcraft, but because I couldn't wrap my brain around of the idea of a flying motorcycle.

Then there is music. I love music, of all different genres. Christian mostly. But sometimes I hear a song from way back that triggers a memory of the past. Some good, some bad. But a reflection of the past nonetheless. My collection is pretty vast. Not the collection of music on my I pod per-se, but in my own head. Contemporary Christian artists, Hymns; '80's, '90's rock and metal; Frank Sinatra; country, and electronica especially DeadMou5. They all trigger some sort of feeling or memory that either brings pleasure or pain. But its the hymns that really stir my soul. Taking thoughts of the Lord and molding them into worshipful song. 

Then there is art. The canvas. The strokes of a pen or brush that move in intricate detail copying what is on the human brain for the world to see. My wife and I went to Comicon Des Moines 2016 last month and we had a blast. The one thing I love to do is look at the art, especially the ones that the artists are drawing or painting right there in front of you. It's amazing to me how these artists can take an image in their heads and recreate it on paper or canvas. Boggles my mind, and I respect what they do. 

But it occurred to me as I was standing gazing at works of art at Comicon that I have a fascination with art, of all types. I wish I could write a book, play music, or even draw. But why? For me, I don't have an emotional outlet - a place to express myself. To be honest I think God created us to do just that. He created us as intellectual, and emotional beings for a reason. To give glory to Him. To worship Him the way He wants to be worshiped.  Which brings me to my second point. With all the music I listen to, books I read, or pictures I gaze at...could I be doing damage to my own inspirations and imaginations? Am I creating preconceived ideas to my writing and designing because my brain is clouded with other people's thoughts and imaginations? Why do I have a hard time concentrating, thinking, or coming up with the simplest words to describe something? 

So what must I do? For starters I think I need to lay off the music, books, and movies for a while and seek solitude in my own thoughts. Think about the Lord and meditate on Him. Take two hours with nothing but a pad, pen, and my bible. Next take those thoughts and put them in a media that would be tangible. A poem, song, or story. I would love that. To unplug and totally be immersed in thoughts of my Lord. 

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Recap Of The Des Moines St. Patrick's Day Outreach 2016

You can find the recap HERE on our Iowa Seed Sowers Website. Consider joining our Iowa Seed Sower page also for more of our evangelistic outings, events, and news. Thanks...Frank.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

IMA SNERT 2day!!!

 Well, today, March 2, 2016 I turned 13 years old in the Lord. What does that mean? It means I think I know what I'm talking about but in reality...I don't know Jack. I though don't believe that I know everything. I mean I'm quite humble and realize that there is alot that I don't know. I have alot of growing up to do. But like teenagers, even though I say that, and I'm looking at the words being typed on the screen, I can't help but realize I'm self-deluded. Because the next few thoughts I have in the tiny bowl of spaghetti brain of mine says to me, "Well...but look how far you've come?" Ha...hahahaha...haha...ha.

Ever since I've lost my job I feel as though the Lord has finally got my attention. For a man in particular, nothing makes him more humble than to lose his job. Plus, to put icing on the cake is the realization that you've stagnated the past 14 years while everyone else innovated. But the Holy Spirit, like a parent, is always there to comfort us, correct us, and put His arm around us and say, "Now that you've done it your way, lets try this..." What do I do? Fight, kick, cuss, complain, argue, until that moment where I know I'm beaten and I throw my hands up and cry out, "I HATE MY LIFE!!!" and run to my room. And my deluded brain of mine still says, "Well I listen to the Lord, but He's not saying much." Truth is, He's saying alot...I'm just not listening. Because like a teenager I have alot of things in my life that are distracting.

With this new year ahead lies challenges, failures, and disappointment because let's face it...teenagers are drama queens too. Life is going to suck. But it doesn't have to. The Lord wants me to succeed in everything I do. I need to be more optimistic, enthusiastic, and confident. Not just feel it, but show it (if you know me I get excited like E'ore from Whinny the Pooh).

Monday, February 29, 2016

I Want A Principle Within - by Charles Wesley

1. I want a principle within
of watchful, godly fear,
a sensibility of sin,
a pain to feel it near.
I want the first approach to feel
of pride or wrong desire,
to catch the wandering of my will,
and quench the kindling fire.

2. From thee that I no more may stray,
no more thy goodness grieve,
grant me the filial awe, I pray,
the tender conscience give.
Quick as the apple of an eye,
O God, my conscience make;
awake my soul when sin is nigh,
and keep it still awake.

3. Almighty God of truth and love,
to me thy power impart;
the mountain from my soul remove,
the hardness from my heart.
O may the least omission pain
my reawakened soul,
and drive me to that blood again,
which makes the wounded whole.