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Monday, June 17, 2019

Talking To Strangers - Landing

Like I said in the beginning of this series is that the takeoff and landing are the hardest parts of the conversation.

When leaving a spiritual conversation, it is important to leave the person with something to think about. Tracts are not only great for opening up a spiritual conversation but also ending one. It gives the person who is reading it to remind them of things that were mentioned in the talk. It can also spark interest into a different topic as well. You can leave a wide variety of things with the person you are talking to. It can be a saying that is easy to remember; or something tangible like a tract, gospel of John or a bible.

Be sure to leave your contact info on the gift you are giving away. This will help the person get in touch with you if he or she has any added questions they would like to ask. If they do have questions that you cannot answer at the time of your departure, simply write it down and get back with them at the very latest two days later. I personally try to get back with people within 24 hours. This gives you ample time to find the answer, and them time hasn't gone by to forget the question. When it comes to the info, I'm not a fan of using my last name, even when it comes to an email. Today people can look you up and where you live regardless of what information you gave them. I personally don't like to give my phone number unless I get their number as well so I can put it in my phone. Because chances are that if a phone number comes up that I do not recognize, I will not answer it. When I am on the street, I always give my email address It doesn't have my name at all, but easy enough to remember if it is accidentally lost. I love having a type of business card on me with my first name, email, and a design, saying, or verses to go along with it. There are so many printing companies to choose from when picking out the right card for you. Some of whom I have used are Vista Print, MOO and 48 Hour Print.

When leaving a conversation be sure to look the person in the eye and offer a nice, firm handshake. If the conversation didn't go as well simply apologize if you seemed rude or insensitive and exit gracefully. If you need to go, and time is of the essence, to give yourself an exit just say, "I hate to cut this short, but I am going to be needing to go in 10 minutes. I can answer just one more question. But if you have any more, here is my card." This way when you say goodbye, the other person won't take it as being abrupt. He or she already knew you had to go, and when that would be.

Parting is such sweet sorrow, but there will be many opportunities, and strangers, to strike up conversations with. Just simply be friendly and open to having one. Better to spend the day with someone new and interesting, than to claw through Facebook all day.

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