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Monday, November 18, 2019

NaNoWriMo 2019

NaNoWriMo is National Novel Writing Month where armature, professional, and hobbyist writers from all over the world attempt to write a 50,000 word novel in the month of November. Since I was in High School, writing a book has always been on my bucket list. I wanted a career as a writer and danced between writing and going into electronics. At the time, electronics engineering was more of a logical choice, but writing was always on the back of my mind. Since leaving one crappy job for another "crappy" job, I thought I made the wrong choice many years ago.

Getting back into writing has been really good for me, both physically and mentally. It allows me to free up my mind and become less stressed. Between working with Optavia as a weight loss coach, and writing, I have lost about 50 pounds, and have never been this stress free in my life. Though I am not making the money I used to when I was working as a Field Service Engineer, I am not worried about it. The sum of a man's life is not based on riches. I am a rich man because I am a Christian child of God, I have a great understanding wife, and good health with my wife never seeing me this thin.

So you're probably wondering what my book is about. Well, I am calling it Parallel Lines, a memoir of my first year and a half as a newly married new Christian. When I got married my wife and I were not Christians. The Pastor who we wanted to marry us said that he couldn't because after taking a personality test, our graphs never intersected on anything. It was if we were two parallel lines going in opposite directions. So, when the Lord found me, and I became a believer, that pretty much sealed the coffin of my marriage. But through the things God led me through, and using my new Pastor, his wife, and Christian friends, we were able to come to the other side beat up, but alive. I am writing this memoir to give hope to believers married to unbelievers and maybe some of the good guidance I received along the way.

So this is the reason why you haven't seen me in a while. I'll try to post some more things, but in the meantime pray that I can see the other side and this work of art published. Also I will be writing another article for the Gideon's International Magazine, which is exciting.

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