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Thursday, October 1, 2015

Airport Dreams and Visions

So this morning I had another one of those "aha" dreams that I believe the Lord was teaching me something I personally needed to learn...and quick. Not scripture or prophecy, but something I needed to know for my benefit. It was so vivid like the dreams I had before I messed up my hands because I didn't heed what the dream was trying to tell me.
So I got to the airport and opened up the back of my car. In the back was two duffle bags for clothes, a large computer box, my toolbox for work, and my guitar. I started carrying these things to the airport while kicking the box across the ground or going a few feet with some things and leaving others behind to retrieve them in a minute.As soon as I get in the doors of the airport I hear the song, Day One by Matthew West over the speakers and goes on throughout the dream in different forms (regular, elevator music with no words, one even was in a country beat). It was a complete struggle to get to security with all my stuff. 
I finally get to security. At this point other passengers are laughing and looking at me like I'm an idiot, wagging their heads, pointing, and not helping me. The security officer asks for my ticket and drivers license which it takes me a while to find and asks me where my destination is. I don't really know where I am going, and I find the ticket which the woman TSA agent stamps and tells me the gate. All the while, the other passengers in line are getting angry and verbally letting me know, but not helping me in any way. As I'm putting my stuff on the conveyor security starts searching my bags. In the large box I had a computer nice and neat, my guitar was there in its case. As for my clothes bags one had electronic boards and parts while the other one was completely empty but was heavy for some reason.
I finally get through security. As I can see the gate from a distance the doors are closing. I try to leave my bags when a police officer yells at me that I can't leave my bags unattended. My toolbox handle breaks and tools fall out. I try to hurry but when I get to the gate I can see the plane taxiing away. At that moment I am leaning on the glass watching the plane backing away when a Skycap is standing next to me with a large cart while looking out at the plane says, "If you would have just asked for my help you could have at least made your plane."
 Now, what was revealed to me in all of this?

  1. The computer box showed that my job was neat and things in its place but was weighing me down, was bulky, and the largest burden in my life. 
  2. The guitar, my Gibson Les Paul. There was no reason why the guitar should have been there at all. It is large, and not the easiest thing to carry. The case resembles a coffin in some ways. But the meaning here was that I had things in my life that didn't need to be there. 
  3. The electronic boards from work in my clothes bag. This clearly resembled my work getting in the way of my personal life. 
  4. Not wearing a shirt, (and I think I was barefoot too) means that I was struggling to make ends meet and my finances are not in order. 
  5. The empty clothes bag represents my personal life being empty, but was a heavy burden to carry. 
  6. People laughing at me, pointing fingers, getting angry and not helping. This is how the world sees me. They see the chaos in my life and can't help but be critical.
  7. My plane ticket. Represented that I have a destination, but I personally don't know where that is. As we go through life we really don't know where we are going. But, someone issued the ticket [God] and He knows where I need to be. Like Abram in Genesis. All he knew through life is that God told him to go different places and do different things but never knowing why. 
  8. The song Day One by Matthew West playing in the background. I don't really know how that fits yet, being that I really can't remember the whole song. But one of the lines is, "This is day one of the rest of your life." Maybe its that I need to recommit my priorities now before it's too late. 
  9. The Skycap and cart. These, the major point of the lesson, represented the power of the Holy Spirit in my life. I am saved, and do have the Holy Spirit (which the Skycap is available to help) but never ask for Him. If I would have asked the Skycap for help, I would have made the destination with ease. My life still needs work (no shirt or shoes, my work in my personal life) but my burdens would have been light (Matthew 11:28-30). 
So, as you can see, this dream was pretty vivid, and in my experience with my other dream when I did not heed the warnings it ended in disaster, not once...but twice. What do I do with this? Where do I begin. I know one thing, I start with the Holy Spirit and ask of Him for help and guidance. The other things are secondary. I welcome any comments you may have. 

1 comment:

Wayne Goranson said...

Hey Frank,
God wants to take you for an amazing ride! He wants you to trust him or direction and provision. He does not need your help. He needs your trust obedience and total abandonment to him.